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Everything about SOPHIA the robot, who got Saudi Citizenship

Nowadays, when technology is advancing day by day, where every tech giant is working on Artificial Intelligence Robots etc. A company called Hanson Robotics.   made a Humanoid robot named SOPHIA. And the craziest thing is that she got a citizenship in Saudi Arab and is one of the most realistic robots of this time.

Who is Sophia?

She is a humanoid robot developed by Hanson Robotics, Hong-Kong. She is being interviewed all over the world to promote the new advanced technology. She is designed to adopt from surrounding behavior.

In October 2017, she becomes world’s first robot to get citizenship in a country Saudi Arab. Her Face is modeled on the British actress Audrey Hepburn.

The robot uses the technologies like Artificial Intelligence, visual data processing & facial recognition. The robot uses Voice Recognition technology from Google, and is designed to improve itself.

Here are two introductory episodes of Sophia…

A full Interview with Hot looking Robot named Sophia by CNBC in Abu Dhabi after awarding her the Saudi citizenship. In this interview, Sophia is answering various questions asked her on the stage. watch this interview here:

Here is a small video of this robot playing Stone, paper, scissors with a human…

Get more videos at its official site: